Uber One exclusive offer: Get 1 of this item for free with this order when you spend at least $1 (before fees). Promotion does not apply to fees and customisations.
Promotion Terms:
This offer is for a free Big Mac® from McDonald’s via the Uber Eats app if you are an Uber One member in New Zealand and you order at least $1 (excluding fees and and may exclude other discounts) (“Offer”). Delivery Fee applies on orders under $20 (excluding Pickup and Dine-In orders). Service Fee applies to orders delivered by Uber Eats and is based on the order value (excluding value of the free item without customisations). Other fees may apply. Offer does not apply to fees and customisations to free dish. Up to $9.30 will be deducted from your total order value as a discount at checkout.
To redeem this offer, be an existing Uber One member (or sign up to Uber One if you are not an existing member), open the Uber Eats app and search for a participating McDonald’s restaurant with a ‘Free item’ tag. Add 1 or more items to your cart totalling at least $1 (excluding fees and and may exclude other discounts) and place your order. Offer available to be redeemed once.
To accept this Offer, you must successfully complete an order redeeming the Offer in accordance with these terms. Subject to stock availability, operating hours and availability of participating merchants in your area via the Uber Eats app. This Offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. Valid in Australia and New Zealand where Uber Eats is available. Offer valid from 22 April 2024 at 12:00AM NZST until 28 April 2024 at 11:59PM NZST, unless withdrawn earlier.