Discover the cost-effective way to enjoy Netflix with our detailed guide to subscribing in Nigeria, avoiding the need for gift cards. I tested this method personally and can confirm its effectiveness.
Welcome to the ultimate guide of Netflix subscriptions (Nigerian Edition)
Netflix has once again rolled out a 2nd price hike for Türkiye within 4 months. I said enough is enough, and decided to explore other avenues! The good thing is… no gift cards are involved. I did encounter some errors, but somehow managed to bypass them within minutes. The result? I managed to sign up to the world's cheapest Netflix (or second cheapest, idk lol) in less than 10 minutes, and for the record, it was my first time trying as well. That's insane in my books.
This guide is the latest updated guide I've made so far (WITH SCREENSHOTS!). Please see the statistics section below for an interesting read and show some love. Any comments, concerns, suggestions or feedback are welcome :)
Nigeria is the cheapest country in the world for Netflix. See plan prices below.
Turkey is no longer the cheapest country for a Netflix subscription on all tiers, after they keep increasing prices every few months.
However, obtaining a Turkey-based Netflix Gift Card is extremely easy and effortless, making it one of the easiest and therefore cheapest country to sign up with.
Pakistan is the cheapest country for all Netflix plans, however, obtaining a Pakistan-based Netflix Gift Card to sign up is almost impossible. Egypt is the next cheapest, but impossible to sign up for the same reason. If you have a bank card locally from these countries, feel free to sign up directly otherwise.
@Scrooge McDeal's post for Netflix Kenya is slightly cheaper than Netflix Turkey, however many members have had their memberships cancelled and payments refunded.
Available Plans:
Subscription PlanNGN Pricing (₦)Conversion (NZD)Pricing Official (NZD)Savings (NZD)% SavingBasic₦2,900$3.29$12.99$9.7075%Standard₦3,600$4.08$18.49$14.4178%Premium₦4,400$5.00$24.99$19.9980%
You can see all the features of the three tiered Netflix Nigeria plans here:
**All prices in this guide are current as of 14 February 2024.
I used an exhange rate of $1 = ₦881.4499 which is the rate I was charged on my Revolut card.
**Please read the following instructions carefully. Please review screenshots at each step if you are stuck.
Activate a VPN service, turn it on and set it to Nigeria. I used Surfshark VPN (Shopback currently has 98% cashback)!
Open Netflix on a new tab (not being logged in), enter your email (a new one, preferredly) and press "get started" (see screenshot):
On the "Step 1 of 3" page, press "Next", then set a password. On the "Step 2 of 3" page, press "Next", then choose your desired membership plan, then press "Next". On the "Step 3 of 3" page, click "Credit or Debit Card" then enter your CC or Debit details (I used Suncorp Debit Card). Tick "I agree" then press "Start Membership". If you get a payment error, try a different Credit or Debit Card and try again.
If the payment method is accepted, then the next page will be phone number verification (I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T GET A SCREENSHOT OF THIS PAGE AS I COULDN'T GET THE PAGE AGAIN AFTER). I entered a random number in from the PingMe app and it redirected me to the next page to enter the verification code. PingMe didn't send me a code and it was dinner time so what I did was back click on the browser to the previous page (the payment page). I entered the payment debit card again and it works as expected, bringing me to a new phone verification page (or so I thought). This page (after reading it carefully) actually said "Welcome to Netflix! You've started your membership and emailed the details to [email protected], with a mobile option to set up password recovery (just ignore this). I pressed "Next" and voila - I'm now on Netflix Nigeria baby!
You can probably use PingMe (similar to Turkey deal) and it will still work I think. I couldn't try as I managed to bypass the phone verification step as explained above, but if anyone wants to give it a try let me know.
You're done! Enjoy your membership :)
Q: I just signed up and when I go to watch something I get the following error: "Your account can't be used in this location"
A: New sign-ups to Netflix Nigeria (similar to Netflix Turkey) is subject to a local restriction lockout. This lockout period will last approximately 28-31 days after signing up. During this lockout restriction, you can still watch most shows and movies, but you must use a Nigerian VPN to do so (otherwise an error will pop up preventing you from watching anything). You can turn off the VPN after the show/movie has loaded for faster connection (may or may not work). After up to 31 days, this restriction will be removed and your Netflix account will behave no different to an Australian Netflix account. This minor hassle for a month is well worth the savings in the long term.Error code D7111-5095:
Error code S7111-5095:
Error code M7111-5095:
Error code C7111-5095:
Error code F7111-5095:
Error code O7111-5095: I just got a "Payment Declined - Update Payment Method" email from Netflix. What do I do?
A: This issue is being reported by many people who have recently signed up to Netflix Nigeria. They seem to only a few months after signing up, but once fixed, it usually does not happen again. There are two ways to get around this issue:
You can contact Netflix Live Chat and enquire about the "Payment Declined" issue. Make sure you chat with your Nigerian VPN activated. If they ask, say you're in Nigeria for a holiday, or came up with another excuse. Tell them that your payment has declined and you'd like to add a new credit/debit card. They should (if not, request them to) be able to send a payment form popup directly on the chat so you can add your new payment details. If the agent refuses or has no idea what you’re trying to say, end the chat and start a new one. Once the payment is accepted, the "Payment Declined" issue shouldn't occur ever again.
Log into your Netflix account and update your payment method (Nigeria phone number required). When you follow the prompts to update your payment method, Netflix will require a Nigerian number. You can use the PingMe service to obtain a Nigerian phone number for the purposes of this SMS verification. It will cost you a few dollars to buy credits for the purpose of receiving this SMS. Download the PingMe app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store. Create an account, and recharge with "coins" (credits). 1 coin ($2.99 AUD @ App Store) is enough for 1 Netflix Nigeria SMS verification, but you can also buy 5 coins ($10 AUD @ App Store) for the price of 3 in case you need it in the future. After obtaining your coins, click on the "Verification" tab on the bottom of the app and follow this screenshot: select "Netflix" for the App/Website and "Nigeria (+234)" for the Country/Region. Proceed as per the PingMe app and use that to validate the Netflix SMS verification process.
Q: My current card expired. How do I update to a new debit/credit card?
A: See the FAQ directly above this question. If you're sticking with the same credit card account (i.e. just getting a new/replacement card against the same account), you may not have to do anything. Your Netflix account may automatically update to your new card details, due to a connection provided by Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, etc. See here and here and here for more details, thanks to @NitroJolt.Q: How do I add Netflix Nigeria Gift Cards to my Netflix account?
A: There are no Netflix Nigeria Gift Cards available.Q: Will I need to turn VPN on everytime I watch Netflix?
A: No! You no longer need to have VPN on every time you watch a show or movie. VPN is only required for sign up. After 30 days of signing up, use Netflix without a VPN and you will have access to the Australian Netflix library.Q: I want to watch a show/move that is only available from another region or country. Can I do this?
A: If you want to watch a show or movie that is region locked to another country, you can do so by setting your VPN on your phone, laptop or PC to that particular country to watch it. Yes, you will need a VPN service for this, and most VPN providers should work.Q: I got charged a different rate compared to the prices on this post. What happened?
A: Due to foreign exchange rates constantly fluctuating, prices will differ by several cents each monthQ: My bank blocked my payment, what do I do?
A: Some banks block 1st attempt and then text to confirm it's you. Once you reply, 2nd attempt may work. If after several attempts it does not work, just go through the Gift Card method and avoid the painQ: Is signing up to Netflix Nigeria going to affect my Netflix library/catalogue?
A: After setting up this sub, you may or may not notice the Netflix catalogue may be weird with brand new shows, etc… It might not even change anything, but if it does change, your Netflix catalogue will adjust to what you’re watching and soon it will look like nothing ever happenedQ: GST/VAT and Tax related questions?
A: See here. Don't worry, there really isn't any tax you need to worry about.
Via OzBargain